Driving Music

Lava Car Rental Iceland Spotify Sleep Playlist

July 15, 2019

Bundled up baby in car seat

Many visitors to Iceland find it difficult to sleep in summer because of Iceland's Midnight Sun. Try this soothing playlist for help drifting off (but not while you're driving!) 

It might also help calm any excited kids or overstimulated babies you have in the backseat, though, so give it a go.

Sleep expert and scientist Erla Björnsdóttir has a few other tips for you, to ensure that you are well-rested before you set off to the next zany destination in the Icelandic highlands. She suggests minimizing light sensitivity during the day by wearing sunglasses, for example. 

It's just as important to quiet your excited mind after a day of fun so that you can drift off peacefully and wake up refreshed. This playlist, full of soothing sounds and melodious ocean waves, can help.